Friday, June 7 Last day

We officially made it to our final day in Cambodia! We met up a little later after our very long and activity-filled day with the temples and the circus. We got back to morning meditation, health check-in, and the way of the day. Today was a big transference day. We mainly reflected on all of the places we have been and everything we have experienced and learned, bringing significance to the trip as a whole. We got into groups of four, each group creating a poster of one of the places we have traveled to. We covered everything in Chambok National Park, Phnom Penh, Koh Pdao, and Siem Reap. After sharing, we grouped up in a circle and passed a big ball of crumpled papers around while Mony simultaneously is telling us a story of tourists (our group) traveling through Cambodia, and every time he mentioned one of the four cities we visited, the person holding the paper ball would take one piece of paper off the ball. Each paper had a question on it and helped prompt reflections of the...